We are currently in the process of converting the website to the new design. Some pages, like this one, are still broken. We appreciate your patience.
43 posts / 1 project
Feature Request

I was wondering if it was possible to turn off video streaming, and just get the audio streaming through. If not i would love for that to be feature in the future!
64 posts
Programmer at NASA GSFC
Feature Request
Edited by Jesse on

I was wondering if it was possible to turn off video streaming, and just get the audio streaming through. If not i would love for that to be feature in the future!

Benjamin Arnaud
74 posts / 1 project
hacker for the society of sharing.
Feature Request
Edited by Benjamin Arnaud on

I was wondering if it was possible to turn off video streaming, and just get the audio streaming through. If not i would love for that to be feature in the future!

So it's possible to hide the video output (thus saving a little bit of CPU) by pressing F12.

When you're talking about "turning off video streaming" are you talking about the downloading part or the decoding part ?
43 posts / 1 project
Feature Request
What i mean is, i pretty much only use motionbox for audio streaming so i don't really care about the video stream.
Benjamin Arnaud
74 posts / 1 project
hacker for the society of sharing.
Feature Request
Edited by Benjamin Arnaud on
Well, I suspect it should not be hard to disable video decoding from the libVLC side. It's not my current focus but I'm open to contributions.

Originally, MotionBox codename was "music". I was quite inspired by Spotify to make a Free Software equivalent for video. After a few weeks I realized the Video Browser paradigm was stronger. MotionBox kept a little bit of that audio DNA. I would like to go full circle on that matter. So, you can expect a few cool things related to audio in the coming months.
7 posts
Feature Request
A way to select the audio device would be cool too.
Something similar to
Benjamin Arnaud
74 posts / 1 project
hacker for the society of sharing.
Feature Request
Edited by Benjamin Arnaud on
A way to select the audio device would be cool too.
Something similar to

Good idea. Just added it to the contribution short list.
Benjamin Arnaud
74 posts / 1 project
hacker for the society of sharing.
Feature Request
Edited by Benjamin Arnaud on
Dear Zakary, Jesse,

In the next few days I'll be implementing the "audio only" mode for MotionBox.
You'll be able to switch between audio and video, at any moment.

This will save bandwidth and CPU load.

Have a good day,
43 posts / 1 project
Feature Request
You're fucking rad