The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 13 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info

MotionBox 1.1.2 is out, what's next ?

Benjamin Arnaud
I've just pushed MotionBox 1.1.2 on

It includes an improved interface, a fast startup and wide search bars.
I've also made a few fixes and improvements: check the changelog here.
If you haven't, now is a great time to run your first video browser:

MotionBox is still a young project... So what's next ?

Well, I'm working on a torrent implementation. I'm *quite* close from having something functional.
Also, I want to integrate a video downloader. Just like the one in your web browser but for videos.
This requires a few GUI improvements and even video / audio muxing in some cases.
Interested in keeping track of everything ? Just follow my twitter.

On the contribution side, progress is being made on the linux release.
Actually, I'm about to accept my first pull request. Many thanks to miotatsu and the HMN !

To celebrate, let me share 3 videos I recorded a few weeks ago.



Any feedback ? Questions ?

Just post it down here !

It still downloads MotionBox-1.0.0-win32.exe when going on

Could be a web caching issue or a mistake on your side.
It still downloads MotionBox-1.0.0-win32.exe

Thanks for the feedback ! This is actually the installer version, running it will install 1.1.2.

I know this can be confusing, I might change that naming convention in the future.